k8s volumes, subpaths, projections

mount all the things


k8s volumes, subpaths, projections

mount all the things

k8s volume mounting

A very basic mount: you get a directory with your secret keys as files. If the secret is updated, the file contents change (actually, symlinks to the actual mounts are updated).

 2  containers:
 3    - name: container1
 4      volumeMounts:
 5        - name: m1
 6          mountPath: /mnt/m1
 7  volumes:
 8    - name: m1
 9      secret:
10        secretName: c1


items allows mounting only select keys, and changing the path they're mounted at, including into subdirectories. Each mounted item is a symlink. It errors out creating the container if the item key doesn't exist. Update propagation continues to work.

 2  containers:
 3    - name: container1
 4      volumeMounts:
 5        - name: m1
 6          mountPath: /mnt/m1 # directory with remapped keys, updated
 7  volumes:
 8    - name: m1
 9      secret:
10        secretName: c1
11        items:
12          - key: k1
13            path: p1


subPath allows mounting a single item at the mountPath, so you get a file instead of a directory. If the key in the source volume referenced by subPath doesn't exist, it mounts an empty directory. All uses of subPath break secret update propagation.

I think the only reason to use subPath is when you want to mount into an existing directory in the image, without clobbering the other files in the directory.

 2  containers:
 3    - name: container1
 4      volumeMounts:
 5        - name: vol1
 6          mountPath: /mnt/mount1
 7          subPath: key-from-source
 8  volumes:
 9    - name: vol1
10      secret:
11        secretName: my-secret


The projected versions are like the original, but they allow combining multiple sources into a single mount.

 2  containers:
 3    - name: container1
 4      volumeMounts:
 5        - name: m1
 6          mountPath: /mnt/m1 # directory with keys, updated
 7  volumes:
 8    - name: m1
 9      projected:
10        sources:
11          - secret:
12              name: c1
 2  containers:
 3    - name: container1
 4      volumeMounts:
 5        - name: m1
 6          mountPath: /mnt/m1 # directory with remapped keys, updated
 7  volumes:
 8    - name: m1
 9      projected:
10        sources:
11          - secret:
12              name: c1
13              items:
14                - key: k1
15                  path: p1