tailscale k8s operator

private load balancers


tailscale k8s operator

private load balancers

tailscale k8s operator

For a few months, I've been using tailscale.com/tsnet as a library, like tailscale's golinks blog post. You just pass it a tailscale auth key, and it can run anywhere (* but you need a persistent state directory). But I didn't like it for 2 reasons (actually a big one): tsnet brought in a lot of dependencies that bloated the dependency graph and slowed down the build, plus there was a dependency on gvisor.dev/gvisor which required extra care (it's exported from a monorepo, you have to use a branch, it breaks sometime on go tip).

I was on the lookout for a new way to handle private web pages. I thought about implementing a more zero-trust(?) style thing with WebAuthn as a middleware layer so I can log in using yubikeys and/or passkeys. But I was never quite satisfied with the UI, and it required persistence / accounts / keys and secret management.

Then I was made aware of tailscale's kubernetes operator. It watches for Services with tyoe: LoadBalancer and spec.loadBalancerClass: tailscale, spinning up a proxy pod in the tailscale namespace to connect to the tailscale network and forward traffic. Easy, zero touch was of exposing services to the tailnet, though it can be big slow to update on target pod rollouts. Right now my problem is that it's a layer 4 (IP) LoadBalancer, it doesn't do TLS termination so I'm stuck with http for the moment.