log/slog custom handler

harder than it looks


log/slog custom handler

harder than it looks

log/slog custom handler

So Go 1.21 gets a new package: log/slog for structured logging.

Even though there's a single package, it is actually multiple things:

I think of these, slog.Handler is the most important. You might not like slog.Logger for reasons, like not being context first, or allowing unstructured ("sugared") attributes, and you might need features not available in the builtin handlers, like special case processing of particular keys, or just a different output format. This leaves slog.Handler as the standard interchange between your favorite frontend API and backend API.

Anyway, I had need of a custom implementation. But one thing tripped me up: "If a group has no Attrs (even if it has a non-empty key), ignore it.". For JSON, (or any other format with nested/deduped prefixes), this wasn't as easy to do. At first, I thought this required building up a tree, doing a depth first walk to prune out empty groups, then writing the result. Later, I realized I could instead optimistically write the keys, and roll back as needed if there ended up being no attributes in the group.

Below is my implementation, modify as appropriate to handle your special needs.

  1package jsonlog
  3import (
  4        "context"
  5        "encoding/json"
  6        "io"
  7        "log/slog"
  8        "slices"
  9        "strconv"
 10        "sync"
 11        "time"
 12        "unicode/utf8"
 14        "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace"
 17const (
 18        // magic numbers to reduce number of slice resizes
 19        // slog holds 5 attrs
 20        stateBufferSize = 1024
 22        // used by appendString
 23        hex = "0123456789abcdef"
 26var (
 28        // shared
 29        globalSep = []byte(",")
 31        // assert it is a handler
 32        _ slog.Handler = new(handler)
 34        // reduce allocations in steady state
 35        pool = &sync.Pool{
 36                New: func() any {
 37                        s := make([]byte, 0, stateBufferSize)
 38                        return &s
 39                },
 40        }
 42        // used by appendString
 43        safeSet = [utf8.RuneSelf]bool{
 44                ' ':      true,
 45                '!':      true,
 46                '"':      false,
 47                '#':      true,
 48                '$':      true,
 49                '%':      true,
 50                '&':      true,
 51                '\'':     true,
 52                '(':      true,
 53                ')':      true,
 54                '*':      true,
 55                '+':      true,
 56                ',':      true,
 57                '-':      true,
 58                '.':      true,
 59                '/':      true,
 60                '0':      true,
 61                '1':      true,
 62                '2':      true,
 63                '3':      true,
 64                '4':      true,
 65                '5':      true,
 66                '6':      true,
 67                '7':      true,
 68                '8':      true,
 69                '9':      true,
 70                ':':      true,
 71                ';':      true,
 72                '<':      true,
 73                '=':      true,
 74                '>':      true,
 75                '?':      true,
 76                '@':      true,
 77                'A':      true,
 78                'B':      true,
 79                'C':      true,
 80                'D':      true,
 81                'E':      true,
 82                'F':      true,
 83                'G':      true,
 84                'H':      true,
 85                'I':      true,
 86                'J':      true,
 87                'K':      true,
 88                'L':      true,
 89                'M':      true,
 90                'N':      true,
 91                'O':      true,
 92                'P':      true,
 93                'Q':      true,
 94                'R':      true,
 95                'S':      true,
 96                'T':      true,
 97                'U':      true,
 98                'V':      true,
 99                'W':      true,
100                'X':      true,
101                'Y':      true,
102                'Z':      true,
103                '[':      true,
104                '\\':     false,
105                ']':      true,
106                '^':      true,
107                '_':      true,
108                '`':      true,
109                'a':      true,
110                'b':      true,
111                'c':      true,
112                'd':      true,
113                'e':      true,
114                'f':      true,
115                'g':      true,
116                'h':      true,
117                'i':      true,
118                'j':      true,
119                'k':      true,
120                'l':      true,
121                'm':      true,
122                'n':      true,
123                'o':      true,
124                'p':      true,
125                'q':      true,
126                'r':      true,
127                's':      true,
128                't':      true,
129                'u':      true,
130                'v':      true,
131                'w':      true,
132                'x':      true,
133                'y':      true,
134                'z':      true,
135                '{':      true,
136                '|':      true,
137                '}':      true,
138                '~':      true,
139                '\u007f': true,
140        }
143func New(level slog.Level, out io.Writer) slog.Handler {
144        return &handler{
145                minLevel: level,
146                state:    new(state),
147                mu:       new(sync.Mutex),
148                w:        out,
149        }
152type handler struct {
153        minLevel slog.Level
154        state    *state
155        mu       *sync.Mutex
156        w        io.Writer
159func (h *handler) clone() *handler {
160        b0 := pool.Get().(*[]byte)
161        return &handler{
162                minLevel: h.minLevel,
163                state:    h.state.clone(*b0),
164                mu:       h.mu,
165                w:        h.w,
166        }
169func (h *handler) Enabled(ctx context.Context, l slog.Level) bool {
170        return l >= h.minLevel
173func (h *handler) WithAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) slog.Handler {
174        if len(attrs) == 0 {
175                return h
176        }
177        h2 := h.clone()
178        for _, a := range attrs {
179                h2.state.attr(a)
180        }
181        return h2
184func (h *handler) WithGroup(name string) slog.Handler {
185        if name == "" {
186                return h
187        }
188        h2 := h.clone()
189        h2.state.openGroup(name)
190        return h2
193func (h *handler) Handle(ctx context.Context, r slog.Record) error {
194        // add attrs to state
195        b0 := pool.Get().(*[]byte)
196        defer func() { pool.Put(b0) }()
197        state := h.state.clone(*b0)
198        r.Attrs(func(a slog.Attr) bool {
199                state.attr(a)
200                return true
201        })
202        state.closeAll()
204        // initialize write buffer
205        var buf []byte
206        if cap(state.buf)-len(state.buf) < 160+len(r.Message) {
207                buf = make([]byte, 0, len(state.buf)+160+len(r.Message))
208        } else {
209                b1 := pool.Get().(*[]byte)
210                defer func() { pool.Put(b1) }()
211                buf = (*b1)[:0]
212        }
214        buf = append(buf, `{`...)
216        // time
217        if !r.Time.IsZero() {
218                buf = append(buf, `"time":"`...)
219                buf = r.Time.AppendFormat(buf, time.RFC3339Nano)
220                buf = append(buf, `",`...)
221        }
222        // level
223        buf = append(buf, `"level":"`...)
224        buf = append(buf, r.Level.String()...)
225        buf = append(buf, `"`...)
227        // trace
228        spanCtx := trace.SpanContextFromContext(ctx)
229        if spanCtx.IsValid() {
230                buf = append(buf, `,"trace_id":"`...)
231                buf = append(buf, spanCtx.TraceID().String()...)
232                buf = append(buf, `","span_id":"`...)
233                buf = append(buf, spanCtx.SpanID().String()...)
234                buf = append(buf, `"`...)
236        }
237        // any other special keys
238        // e.g. file:line, attrs from ctx or extracted during attr processing by state.attr
240        // message
241        buf = append(buf, `,"message":`...)
242        buf = appendString(buf, r.Message)
244        // attrs
245        if len(state.buf) > 0 {
246                buf = append(buf, `,`...)
247                buf = append(buf, state.buf...)
248        }
249        buf = append(buf, "}\n"...)
251        h.mu.Lock()
252        defer h.mu.Unlock()
253        _, err := h.w.Write(buf)
254        return err
257// state holds preformatted attributes
258type state struct {
259        confirmedLast int    // length of buf when we last wrote a complete attr
260        groupOpenIdx  []int  // indexes before open groups, allows rollback on empty groups
261        separator     []byte // separator to write before an attr or group
262        buf           []byte // buffer of preformatted contents
263        // TODO hold special keys to be placed in top level (eg error)
266func (h *state) clone(buf []byte) *state {
267        if cap(h.buf) > stateBufferSize {
268                buf = slices.Clone(h.buf)
269        } else {
270                buf = buf[:len(h.buf)]
271                copy(buf, h.buf)
272        }
273        s := &state{
274                h.confirmedLast,
275                slices.Clone(h.groupOpenIdx),
276                slices.Clone(h.separator),
277                buf,
278        }
279        return s
282func (h *state) openGroup(n string) {
283        h.groupOpenIdx = append(h.groupOpenIdx, len(h.buf)) // record rollback point
284        h.buf = append(h.buf, h.separator...)               // maybe need a separator
285        h.buf = appendString(h.buf, n)                      // key name
286        h.buf = append(h.buf, []byte(":{")...)              // open group
287        h.separator = nil                                   // no separator for first attr
290func (h *state) closeGroup() {
291        lastGroupIdx := h.groupOpenIdx[len(h.groupOpenIdx)-1] // pop off the rollback point for current group
292        h.groupOpenIdx = h.groupOpenIdx[:len(h.groupOpenIdx)-1]
293        if h.confirmedLast > lastGroupIdx { // group was non empty
294                h.buf = append(h.buf, []byte("}")...) // close off the group
295                h.confirmedLast = len(h.buf)          // record new last point
296                return
297        }
298        h.buf = h.buf[:lastGroupIdx] // all open subgroups were empty, rollback
301func (h *state) closeAll() {
302        for range h.groupOpenIdx {
303                h.closeGroup()
304        }
305        h.groupOpenIdx = nil
308func (h *state) attr(attr slog.Attr) {
309        val := attr.Value.Resolve()  // handle logvaluer
310        if attr.Equal(slog.Attr{}) { // drop empty attr
311                return
312        } else if val.Kind() == slog.KindGroup { // recurse into group
313                g := val.Group()
314                if len(g) == 0 {
315                        return
316                } else if attr.Key != "" { // inline empty keys
317                        h.openGroup(attr.Key)
318                }
319                for _, a := range val.Group() {
320                        h.attr(a)
321                }
322                if attr.Key != "" {
323                        h.closeGroup()
324                }
325                return
326        } else if attr.Key == "" {
327                return
328        }
329        // TODO: grab any special keys
331        h.buf = append(h.buf, h.separator...)
332        h.separator = globalSep
333        h.buf = appendString(h.buf, attr.Key)
334        h.buf = append(h.buf, []byte(":")...)
335        switch val.Kind() {
336        case slog.KindAny:
337                b, _ := json.Marshal(val.Any())
338                h.buf = append(h.buf, b...)
339        case slog.KindBool:
340                h.buf = strconv.AppendBool(h.buf, val.Bool())
341        case slog.KindDuration:
342                h.buf = append(h.buf, `"`...)
343                h.buf = append(h.buf, val.Duration().String()...)
344                h.buf = append(h.buf, `"`...)
345        case slog.KindFloat64:
346                h.buf = strconv.AppendFloat(h.buf, val.Float64(), 'f', -1, 64)
347        case slog.KindInt64:
348                h.buf = strconv.AppendInt(h.buf, val.Int64(), 10)
349        case slog.KindString:
350                h.buf = appendString(h.buf, val.String())
351        case slog.KindTime:
352                h.buf = append(h.buf, `"`...)
353                h.buf = val.Time().AppendFormat(h.buf, time.RFC3339Nano)
354                h.buf = append(h.buf, `"`...)
355        case slog.KindUint64:
356                h.buf = strconv.AppendUint(h.buf, val.Uint64(), 10)
357        default:
358                panic("unhandled kind" + val.Kind().String())
359        }
360        h.confirmedLast = len(h.buf)
363// json string encoder copied from encoding/json
365func appendString[Bytes []byte | string](dst []byte, src Bytes) []byte {
366        dst = append(dst, '"')
367        start := 0
368        for i := 0; i < len(src); {
369                if b := src[i]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {
370                        if safeSet[b] {
371                                i++
372                                continue
373                        }
374                        dst = append(dst, src[start:i]...)
375                        switch b {
376                        case '\\', '"':
377                                dst = append(dst, '\\', b)
378                        case '\b':
379                                dst = append(dst, '\\', 'b')
380                        case '\f':
381                                dst = append(dst, '\\', 'f')
382                        case '\n':
383                                dst = append(dst, '\\', 'n')
384                        case '\r':
385                                dst = append(dst, '\\', 'r')
386                        case '\t':
387                                dst = append(dst, '\\', 't')
388                        default:
389                                // This encodes bytes < 0x20 except for \b, \f, \n, \r and \t.
390                                // If escapeHTML is set, it also escapes <, >, and &
391                                // because they can lead to security holes when
392                                // user-controlled strings are rendered into JSON
393                                // and served to some browsers.
394                                dst = append(dst, '\\', 'u', '0', '0', hex[b>>4], hex[b&0xF])
395                        }
396                        i++
397                        start = i
398                        continue
399                }
400                // TODO(https://go.dev/issue/56948): Use generic utf8 functionality.
401                // For now, cast only a small portion of byte slices to a string
402                // so that it can be stack allocated. This slows down []byte slightly
403                // due to the extra copy, but keeps string performance roughly the same.
404                n := len(src) - i
405                if n > utf8.UTFMax {
406                        n = utf8.UTFMax
407                }
408                c, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(string(src[i : i+n]))
409                if c == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
410                        dst = append(dst, src[start:i]...)
411                        dst = append(dst, `\ufffd`...)
412                        i += size
413                        start = i
414                        continue
415                }
416                // U+2028 is LINE SEPARATOR.
417                // U+2029 is PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR.
418                // They are both technically valid characters in JSON strings,
419                // but don't work in JSONP, which has to be evaluated as JavaScript,
420                // and can lead to security holes there. It is valid JSON to
421                // escape them, so we do so unconditionally.
422                // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON#Safety.
423                if c == '\u2028' || c == '\u2029' {
424                        dst = append(dst, src[start:i]...)
425                        dst = append(dst, '\\', 'u', '2', '0', '2', hex[c&0xF])
426                        i += size
427                        start = i
428                        continue
429                }
430                i += size
431        }
432        dst = append(dst, src[start:]...)
433        dst = append(dst, '"')
434        return dst