kyverno verifyimages bug

all software is buggy

kyverno verifyimages

$work has a mandate: all container images running in Kubernetes cluster 'prod-f' must be verified.

This was implemented as:

It sounded solid. It was rolled out, and it broke, but only sometimes.

catching a bug


Let's start with symptoms: Kyverno would block updates to Deployments with an error like:

error when patching "deployment-updated.k8s.yaml": admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc-fail" denied the request:

resource Deployment/default/double was blocked due to the following policies

verify-image-signature: autogen-verify-image: unverified image

Occasionally, the error would be something like

Deployment default/xxx-agent: [autogen-verify-image] fail (blocked); annotation cannot be changed

more background info

Our 'prod-f' cluster was a snowflake: One of 3 clusters with Istio running, one of 2 clusters with an image rewriting rule active, the only cluster with image verification set to Enforce. Imagine my my supreme annoyance on learning we did not have a proper testing environment, and the way to reproduce the issue was to just try it one some of the things running in cluster until it failed. Thankfully, we at least didn't have any customers there yet.


Kyverno is a bit of a black box: you can register multiple policies with it, but to Kubernetes, it only registers a single pair of MutatingWebhookConfiguration and ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. The first thing I wanted to do was look into what it was doing, and I had not yet had enough coffee to trawl through logs.


I spun up a simple in-memory jaeger instance, and pointed kyverno's tracing configuration at it. Thankfully, both supported a common protocol, OpenTelemetry OTLP, without sampling. After some experimentation with search queries, I finally found a few traces where it seemed to fail. I could see that the order our various policies we applied in was valid. Also, kyverno wasn't actually making external calls to verify the image most of the time.


Time to go understand how Kyverno actually worked then. Or at least the image verification part. Verify Image Rules is the page that describes sthe process:

When required is set to true (default) each image in the resource is checked to ensure that an immutable annotation that marks the image as verified is present.

This sounded interesting. Annotations are mutable by default, how was this "immutable"? We were seeing some errors that it wasn't able to change it... (turns out, it was via a kyverno check as part of the validating phase).

The imageVerify rule can be combined with auto-gen so that policy rule checks are applied to Pod controllers.

So Auto gen rules is automatically turned on for policies affecting pods.

theory 1

Kyverno records the result of an image verification as an "immutable" annotation, and in the future just checks that the annotation is present with true. On the update of an Deployment, the result set needs to change, but kyverno blocks itself from updating the result.

My recommendation was to disable auto-gen rules with.

2kind: ClusterPolicy
4  annotations:
5 none

That appeared to make the issue go away.


Now, time to attempt to reproduce the issue locally so I can report it upstream. But installing Kyverno locally in a KinD cluster, I couldn't get it to break. My updates to my Deployment went through just fine, and Kyverno updated its (not so) immutable annotation.

Maybe, it was the image rewrite rule we also had. I applied it into my cluster, but no dice. Maybe it was ArgoCD which we used to deploy manifests using a different way of applying, I installed that, fiddled with making changes, but still nothing. Maybe it was Istio with its sidecar injection webhook. It was lunchtime and I didn't bother trying.

After lunch, I had a different idea: let's reproduce the failing Deployment more closely. It had a main container and sidecars. I spun up a deployment with multiple containers, lo and behold, kyverno blocked my update.

So here's my bug report. Still, not very satisfied with why we sometimes saw annotation change blocked issues though.