apko and melange are 2 interesting tools coming from chainguard.dev aiming for declarative builds of alpine packages and containers based on the apk ecosystem.
is for building apk packages, generating, and signing repository indexes.
It consists of: package metadata,
packages to be installed in the build environment,
and a linear pipeline of steps,
using either reusable stages declared in yaml on disk,
or inline scripts.
A config for building a Go application might look like:
1# package metadata
3 name: my-package
4 description: some description
5 version: 0.0.1
6 epoch: 0
7 target-architecture:
8 - all
9 copyright:
10 - paths:
11 - "*"
12 license: MIT
13 # attestation
14 # dependencies:
15 # runtime:
16 # provides:
17 # scriptlets:
18 # pre-install:
19 # post-install:
20 # ...
22# build environment
24 contents:
25 repositories:
26 - https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main
27 - https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community
28 packages:
29 # always necessary
30 - alpine-baselayout-data
31 # i think things break without this
32 - busybox
33 # connect to the outside world, eg GOPROXY
34 - ca-certificates-bundle
35 # buildvcs stamping
36 - git
37 # build tool
38 - go
41 # melange comes with some basic declarative pipelines
42 # (someone else wrote the script in yaml for you)
43 # but you can always just include a shell script
44 - runs: |
45 mkdir -p "${{targets.destdir}}"
46 go build -trimpath -ldflags='-s -w' -o "${{targets.destdir}}/usr/bin/" .
relies on some alpine tools,
on other systems docker can be used to run it with something like:
1$ docker run --privileged -v $(PWD):/work distroless.dev/melange:latest \
2 build \
3 --arch x86_64 \
4 --signing-key build/melange.rsa \
5 --out-dir /work/build/packages \
6 melange.yaml
is the preferred workspace, used with defaults--privileged
is necessary for bubblewrap
to do some sort of containing--sigining-key
should be used to sign the index if used with apko
(only accepts signed repos)apko
composes packages into container images.
It appears that any complex config will need to be done by building a package
and including that.
2 # repositories to pull packages from
3 # NOTE: these need to be signed
4 repositories:
5 - https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main
6 - https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community
7 # syntax for local repo
8 - "@local /work/build/packages"
9 packages:
10 - alpine-baselayout
11 - weechat
12 # pull from local repo
13 - example-package@local
15# dockerfile ENTRYPOINT
17 command: "fly-weechat"
19# run as non root
21 run-as: 10000
22 users:
23 - username: user
24 uid: 10000
25 groups:
26 - groupname: user
27 gid: 10000
29# setup a home for our user
31 HOME: /home/user
34 - path: /home/user
35 type: directory
36 uid: 10000
37 gid: 10000
38 permissions: 0o755
This also has a dependency on alpine tools,
so here comes docker again.
Alternatively, use publish
to push directly to a repository.
1$ docker run -v $(PWD):/work distroless.dev/apko:latest \
2 build \
3 --keyring-append build/melange.rsa.pub \
4 apko.yaml \
6 build/image.tar
only accepts signed repositories, otherwise the error is not very helpfulWhile they are declarative,
unlike ko which inspired it,
it's not quite there in terms of no runtime config (flags) needed.
So we're back to writing a Makefile
to remember all the commands.
1IMAGE_NAME := "my.registry.example/img"
2IMAGE_REF := "latest"
3IMAGE_OUT := "image.tar"
5SRC := $(shell find . -name '*.go')
7$(SRC) go.mod go.sum melange.yaml apko.yaml:
9gen-keys: build/melange.rsa
11 mkdir -p build/
12 docker run --privileged -v $(PWD):/work distroless.dev/melange:latest \
13 keygen build/melange.rsa
15build-apk: build/packages/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
16build/packages/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: gen-keys $(SRC) go.mod go.sum melange.yaml
17 docker run --privileged -v $(PWD):/work distroless.dev/melange:latest \
18 build \
19 --arch x86_64 \
20 --signing-key build/melange.rsa \
21 --out-dir /work/build/packages \
22 melange.yaml
24build-img: build/image.tar
25build/image.tar: build-apk apko.yaml
26 docker run -v $(PWD):/work distroless.dev/apko:latest \
27 build \
28 --keyring-append build/melange.rsa.pub \
29 apko.yaml \
31 build/image.tar
33load-img: build-img
34 docker load -i build/image.tar
36.PHONY: run-img
37run-img: load-img
38 docker run --rm -it ${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_REF}