bazel notes

that fancy build system


bazel notes

that fancy build system


bazel, an open implementation of google's build system, aiming to handle incremental builds across multiple languages. Written in java, it runs in a client-server model.

crash course

bazel command

You could install bazel directly, but a better idea is to install bazelisk as bazel, and it will look at a .bazelversion file to determine the version of bazel to download and run.

Most commands to bazel take targets, which look like //dir/from/workspace/root:label. Omitting// makes it relative, omitting the path means current, ... expands to recursive all. Labels are the names given to the build targets, eg a library, an executable, a container image, etc.


The WORKSPACE file denotes the root of a workspace (generally repo). Inside are declarations of dependencies and some metadata.

While bazel config files (WORKSPACE, BUILD) may look declarative, they're actually (restricted starlark) code, which means the ordering of the macros/function calls are important: ref. This unfortunately also means tools like buildifier are limited in what they can do to organize/format the config files.

Functions need to be loaded before use, dependencies that follow best practices usually have them centrally declared in a def.bzl file.

1load("@com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools//buildifier:def.bzl", "buildifier")

Dependencies (repository rules:, http_archive, git_repository, ...) can be declared multiple times, and the version selected is the last declared version before first use. Rules you import (ex gazelle) may have dependencies that you also need, and well behaved ones will have code like the below to not override your choices, so declare your dependencies first before you use them.

 1def buildifier_dependencies():
 2    _maybe(
 3        http_archive,
 4        name = "bazel_skylib",
 5        sha256 = "7363ae6721c1648017e23a200013510c9e71ca69f398d52886ee6af7f26af436",
 6        strip_prefix = "bazel-skylib-c00ef493869e2966d47508e8625aae723a4a3054",
 7        url = "",  # 2018-12-06
 8    )
10def _maybe(repo_rule, name, **kwargs):
11    if name not in native.existing_rules():
12        repo_rule(name = name, **kwargs)

As fair as I can tell, there isn't a good package manager so you're sort of stuck copy-pasting a lot of sha256s and urls.


The build files declare the things you want to be able to output for a given directory. Ex the following builds: a go executable, a container image, and a target to push the image to a remote registry.

 1load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary", "go_library")
 4    name = "archrepod_lib",
 5    srcs = [
 6        "doc.go",
 7        "main.go",
 8    ],
 9    importpath = "",
10    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
11    deps = [
12        "//go/internal/archrepo/server",
13        "//go/webserver",
14    ],
18    name = "archrepod",
19    embed = [":archrepod_lib"],
20    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
21    pure= "on",
24load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_image")
27    name = "image",
28    base = "@go_image_static//image",
29    files = [":archrepod"],
30    entrypoint = ["/archrepod"],
33load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_push")
36    name = "push",
37    format = "OCI",
38    image = ":image",
39    registry = "",
40    repository = "com-seankhliao/kluster/archrepod",
41    skip_unchanged_digest = True,


rules_go contains the basic rules for building things with go, though most of the time you'll be using gazelle to detect changes / update your BUILD config. As long as your go.mod contains an up to date set of dependencies, bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod -prune should do most of the heavy lifting for you.

You may occasionally need to adjust the output, such as setting pure = on in a build target or build_file_generation = "on" in a go_repository to override a dependency (that also uses bazel)'s broken BUILD config.

protobuf grpc

Having bazel handle everything means you only have .proto files and the corresponding generated files exist only in the build output dirs. This is a problem both for editors ((neo)vim + gopls) and for any downstream consumers you may have. So you may decide to skip having bazel generate the files and just generate + check them in.

other go problems

for some reason, bazel always wants to rebuild the C protobuf compiler...


rules_docker contains rules for building container images without a docker daemon. Note you can really on create/place files and not run commands, and you'll have to do it via BUILD files.

While you could use the language specific rules, at least for minimal go images, i think container_image makes more sense. go_image_static is declared in rules_docker to be at some version pinned in there. This just uses the executable from a previous rule as the only file and entrypoint.

2    name = "image",
3    base = "@go_image_static//image",
4    files = [":archrepod"],
5    entrypoint = ["/archrepod"],

k8s gitops

Both rules_k8s (k8s manifests with replacements via string / targets) and rules_gitops (kustomize in BUILD) exist though i've tested neither (too much effort to rewrite manifests).

bazel run

Exectables are built in a sandbox (ex during bazel build //cmd/helloworld:exe) and can be run with bazel run //cmd/helloworld:exe -- args go here. By default it's in a sort of sandbox (doesn't seem very effective?) but it can change to the working directory or workspace root through reading the envs BUILD_WORKING_DIRECTORY or BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY, ref.

I have yet to figure out how to create a target that has the args encoded to modify the source files (like gazelle...).