promql notes

who invented this... thing


promql notes

who invented this... thing


PromQL, the query language for Prometheus.

It is... not as intuitive as one would hope for such a widely used monitoring system.

aside: Google MQL

Google's Monitoring Query Language makes much more sense: select metric, pipe it to alignment / aggregations, output result. I honestly think it's worth the read to get a grasp on the data model and how time series things work.

promql concepts

Data is stored in time series uniquely identified by name + all labels, with 1 data point per timestamp.

instant vector

Multiple time series together form a instant vector

# a plain metric query results in an instant vector

# these can be narrowed down with label sectors

# example of values for 2 time series
time:               0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
{host="a.example"}: 1  1  1  2  4  9 11 11 12 12 20
{host="b.example"}: 0  0  0  4  5  6  6  6  7  8  8

Time series in an instant vector can be aggregated through aggregation operators.

range vector

Like an instant vector but each timestamp contains the values from that point + all points going back a set duration. Most aggregations functions that downsample data take these.

If it were any more consistent, all the functions taking a range vector would be <aggregation>_over_time like these: aggregation_over_time Which collapses an range vector back to an instant vector but doesn't aggregate across time series.


# lookback of 2 for the previous example
time:                 0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10
{host="a.example"}: [1]   [1 1]   [1 1]   [1 2]   [2 4]   [4 9]  [9 11] [11 11] [11 12] [12 12] [12 20]
{host="b.example"}: [0]   [0 0]   [0 0]   [0 4]   [4 5]   [5 6]   [6 6]   [6 6]   [6 7]   [7 8]   [8 8]

Note in the above, there's nothing specifying how frequently to output a data point. This is the step parameter in an api call and is usually calculated automatically or specified separately. Within a step, prometheus looks back up to 5 minutes to find a data point. This can be problematic, as your data points might get dropped (reasons why prometheus prefers counters over guages) or misaligned with the source, leading some data points to appear more than others.

note: make sure rate() or other _over_time ranges are larger than step.


background: composing range vectors

Subqueries are confusing things, they turn an instant query (not vector) into a range vector.


So together: For each input timestamp: look back 30 min, every 1 min within that, look back 5 min and calculate the rate. This results in a range vector where every timestamp contains a vector of 30 (30/1) values.

recording rules

When do you want to use these? As alluded to above, mostly to precalculate rate on counter metrics, ex: kube-prometheus rules.

Note: guidance on naming rules: level:metric:operations