modern cli toolbox

modernish takes on the cli tools

cli tools

There are 1800 things in my /bin, I'm sure some of them can do with an update.


Modern takes, usually with colors or expanded functionality

batcat, lesscolored pager
exals, treels with git features
mtrtraceroute, pingpager updating ping times per hop
ncdudu, dustcurses disk usage viewer
neovimvi, vima better vim? going all in on lua
ripgrepgrepfaster grep
rsyncscpdifferential file sync
sdsedmore intuitive sed
skimlocate, fzfinteractive search, filenames and contents
cwwcfaster wc
fdfindmore intuitive find


maybe not the first to implement an idea, but good ideas/implementation nonetheless

entrrun command on file change
taggenerate terminal shortcuts to ripgrep results
tokeicount lines of code
xsvCSV toolkit
jqJSON toolkit
rcloneunified cli to cloud storage
aria2multiprotocol downloader (http, ftp,bittorrent,...)