permanently backlogged ideas
ideas that i will probably never get round to implementing
Dev implementation required
Ideas that need code to be written,
may or may not see the light of day
go: gopher things
- http middleware handlers:
find a nice list of things,
ex, add headers, add compression,
add security(csp, cors)...
- module proxy over IPFS:
command to retrieve modules over IPFS
maybe works well with IPFS deduplication?
site: this website
- serve over AMP:
this site doesn't need fancy things,
generate and serve over AMP with subdomain & use with cloudflare
- serve with WebPackaging / SXG:
serve signed / shareable bundle for site / page,
needs proper SXG cert: expensive
- serve over IPFS:
use DNSLink and serve this site over IPFS
- serve over Tor alt-svc:
apparently it's not difficult?
archlinux: Arch Linux Infra
- mirror/repo over IPFS:
Arch should be flexible enough to handle getting packages over ipfs
with a special
Ops time and patience needed
Running things other people have written.
Usually just need to learn the model / write config files.
cicd: Continuous Integration pipeline
- build on push/pull request:
remove limitation on tagged commits,
lint, test, ???
archlinux: Arch Linux on my laptop
- full disk encryption:
add full disk encryption to XPS
k8s: Kubernetes
- cross cluster tunnel:
wireguard tunnel for cross cluster connectivity,
with daemonsets and ip rules
- terminate tls at pods:
l4 ingress and terminate at pods instead,
requires a better ca setup for internal services,
or split horizon dns
- module proxy for go:
run goproxy in CI cluster as a local cache
- container registry:
run harbor in CI cluster as a cache for kaniko
- git server:
run gerrit as private git server
- code search:
run sourcegraph on private git server