traefik v2 on k8s

running traefik v2 on k8s


traefik v2 on k8s

running traefik v2 on k8s

v2 alpha

traefik is in its v2 alpha, so what does it take to get running

ingress (route)

auto discover services with --providers.kubernetes and --providers.kubernetescrd, to discover them from Ingresses and IngressRoutes


traefik can automatically get tls certificates from providers such as let's encrypt, but they have rate limiting. also traefik can only store the certs in a file (no shared use) or a key-value store

instead i've set up cert-manager which can store certs in a k8s secret and mapped those into traefik


so far no explicit support for grpc-web, your server still needs to understand grpc-web on its own at least the reverse proxy doesn't break anything