cloud build kaniko

using Kaniko Executor with Google Cloud Build


Maybe for some reason you don't like using docker build, you want to be cool and use if you're not building things in subdirectories, you're all set. Else, read on.


cloudbuild.yaml dir: this sets the working directory, defaults to the project root (/workspace) kaniko will pick the Dockerfile from here (if not overridden by the -f flag)

kaniko-project/executor -f: Dockerfile, defaults to Dockerfile relative paths are from the cloudbuild working directory

kaniko-project/executor: -c: kaniko build context, defaults to the project root (/workspace) also must be an absolute path (?)

building in a subdir

to get the equivalent of dir: subdir and docker build .

you need dir: subdir and kaniko-project/executor -c /workspace/subdir